Easily add artistic elegance with our wide selection of Worship Backgrounds

Worship background with green grass and sun rays coming out of a cloudy sky
Cross with swirls and fire as background illustration
Young woman looking upward with clasped hands as background photo

Choose the worship background image, art or photo that will best enhance your presentation with ChurchArt Online artwork. From bold and beautiful to soft and subtle, we make your design choices easy!

Lively, contemporary and striking art images make it easy for you to design dynamic worship presentations for scriptures and song lyrics presentations, special occasions and announcements. Find inspiration in our wide variety of photographic and art elements or modern designs. New worship backgrounds and graphics are added weekly.

ChurchArt Online makes it easy for you to design beautiful presentations to enhance your worship events and services. Start with the perfect Worship and religious art backgrounds for a scripture or lyric presentation that is sure to be memorable and that will enhance congregational participation.

ChurchArt Online knows how important an attractive flyer, presentation or announcement is. We make it effortless for you to choose just the right image, artwork, graphic or illustration for your worship needs. And, the perfect worship, religious or bible-based background image or photo will make any church presentation more inviting and inclusive. Choose from a variety of religious background designs for presenting scripture references, hymn lyrics and praise song lyrics that will help you enhance a worship service or event that your congregants will appreciate.

Tailor any artwork you find to fit your needs. At ChurchArt Online, our worship service backgrounds and other templates are created by expert designers to give your publications and presentations a professional, polished, yet inviting look. We add new images every week, so you never run out of options.

Our online church art library offers a vast selection of worship images and graphics that cover not only scripture references, but also an array of topics on worship and church-life, thus meeting all your church art needs throughout the year. No matter what you're working on, our artwork will serve to enhance your presentations and communications. ChurchArt Online is the place to get the best art and graphics available. Consider using our worship background graphics and images for program art, curriculum programs, study events, seminars, worship art, sermon aids and more.

Worship Backgrounds with white fluffy clouds with a blue, purple and pink sky
Image of clouds over a mountain landscape perfect for a church worship background
Multicolor background great for adding lyrics or announcements for Worship
Worship Bulletin with an image of a farm meadow with single tree at sunset
Worship Background with bright rainbow from clouds into a green grasses
Hands holding a communion cup as background photo
Worship background with a Purple Aurora design
Many burning candles as background photo

With your membership, you not only receive worship backgrounds and images, you also get complete access to our massive library of over 40,000 Christian graphics, pictures, illustrations, clip-art images, photos, cartoons, bulletin covers and PowerPoint backgrounds that make preparing for all your church events a breeze. You’ll find thousands of images of faith and inspiration embedded with biblically-based text to illustrate the message of your church events. Browse the themes available below:

Related Topics:

  • Advent Bulletin Covers
  • Bible Clip Art
  • Church Bulletin Program
  • Church Bulletin Covers
  • Easter Bulletin Covers
  • Christian Clip Art
  • Bulletin Covers
  • Bulletin Clip Art

Clouds inside a border frame as background illustration
Cross, communion cup and bread as background illustration
Communion cup, bread, wheat and grapes as background photo
Vibrant Green Worship Background for music lyrics, church announcements and more
Acoustic guitar as background photo
Heart worship background perfect for Mother's Day, Valentine's day or sermons about Love
Yellow and Red Leaves on rich background, perfect for Fall and Thanksgiving Church Worship Services
Worship Background with a ripple in blue water

Hundreds of Clip-art categories available:

Find just what you need with these keywords

Searching our website is easy with our keyword reference tool. We make it easy to search for artwork and graphics on Baptism, Christmas, Advent, Easter, Jesus, Holy Week, Ascension, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter Cantata and even egg hunts for the kids!

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Explore our art and image library absolutely FREE for 14 days - no catches. After you sign up for your Basic or Pro FREE Trial, you will have complete access to the content included with each membership. While a credit card is required when you sign up for the 14-Day FREE Trial, it will not be charged until the first business day following the end of your free trial.